RS17952_Sierra Leone – Ruth Fertig
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About the Nutrition CEO Council

Every 11 seconds, malnutrition claims a child’s life

A wave of malnutrition and hunger, spurred by conflict, climate shocks, and economic crises that negatively impact health and food systems threatens the lives of families around the world. Luckily, we have tools to address this.

The Council’s focus is global nutrition and its objectives in 2022 include:

The Council’s focus is global nutrition and its objectives in 2024 include:

  • To inspire increased support for nutrition from U.S. political leadership through high-level engagement.
  • To advance civil society advocacy, commitment, and support for nutrition as a foundational part of all development success.

Advocacy and Policy Priorities 2024

Policy Statements

Nutrition CEO Council Statement on Malnutrition Crisis in Gaza

Nutrition CEO Council Statement on Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriations

Nutrition CEO Council Statement on the President’s FY24 Budget Request
